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Fleet Management policy




Wilderness Africa Safaris ltd.P.O.BOX 10094.Plot 2815,

Mbogo Police road

A Wadriff Building Kampala.


To ensure that the Fleet Management policy provides an efficient, safe and most cost-effective service for the supply of transport to the various business areas of the company business undertakings.


The company fleet consists of 8(eight) vehicles and is expected grow. The drivers who take care of the daily use and basic maintenance of the vehicles are extremely important as it affects the cost, safety and reliability of the fleet operation. Knowledgeable and responsible handling of vehicles at the work site mean less down time, reduced maintenance and less frustration to the clients and all factors contributing to improved efficiencies and increased productivity within the various areas.This manual has been compiled for the specific purpose of establishing a uniform cord of practice and conduct for all drivers and operators of the company’s motorized fleet. The content is directed at promoting knowledge and understanding of the disciplines important to the fleet management services activities with the ultimate aim of attaining optimum productivity and cost effectiveness and eliminating vehicle abuse.Practical application of the guidelines, in conjunction with specific standing orders/policies/instructions issued by the director of operations or supervisor will prolong vehicle service life and minimize vehicle accidents/losses caused through ignorance and/or negligence.The policy and procedure document addresses most aspects of daily vehicle operations. It also includes information on the “professional” driving techniques necessary to develop “above average” competence. Future driver performance standards will be measured in terms of knowledge and practical application of the subject matter.All users of vehicles are required to comply with the contents of this document. Users must also strive to eliminate unnecessary expenses from the fleet maintenance bill. Responsible usage of the fleet, accepted and practiced as a total concept, that is; eliminating vehicle abuse, will serve to produce benefits in terms of increased driver safety and status, reduced stress in the working environment, improved public image and reduced cost burden on the company and its clients.It is therefore imperative that drivers effectively manage vehicle usage so as to attain the objectives of the Policy document.This policy is produced, presented and adopted by the board of directors for usage by all company drivers and employees with immediate effect. In pursuant to the board resolution No.BOD/RES/013 MIN 05/JAN2010 am hereby authorized to sign this policy and bring into force this 9th Day of January 2010

Ismail Onim-giu

Managing Director


The full co-operation of all employees and clients concerned are required to ensure that the company transport system functions efficiently at all times. All drivers are expected to accept and exercise the responsibilities associated with the operation of vehicles, as described in the policy and procedures.


Company transport is provided strictly for business only and is not to be used for private purposes.When a company vehicle is to be used, the driver must ensure that the trip is duly authorizedAll Company vehicles must be issued with a log book. The driver is required to record all his/her daily trips as duly authorized.


All company vehicles shall be driven in a SAFE and COURTEOUS manner, which will promote the Company’s PUBLIC IMAGE. Company drivers and vehicle /work teams are constantly in public view. Their behavior shapes the public concept of company efficiency in general.


Company vehicles shall at all time be driven and handled with proper care and attention, to obtain the best mechanical service and avoid infringements of the law. Any evidence of neglect, rough handling or reckless driving shall be reported to the office Manager concerned and will result in disciplinary action.


Pre-drive inspections of vehicles MUST be carried out by drivers on a daily basis.Every driver of a company vehicle must at all times ensure that the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, failure to which he/she will be responsible for the payment of any traffic fines that may be imposed.The last user of a vehicle will be held responsible for any unreported damage/defects/loss. The onus is therefore on each driver to thoroughly inspect a vehicle prior to acceptance. Any damages/defects found by the driver must be reported.All company vehicles will be inspected periodically by designated staff appointed by the Director operations to ensure that a proper state of cleanliness, repair and efficiency is being maintained by the driver/person responsible for the vehicle.


Safe, sober, rested, qualified and knowledgeable driver is crucial for the successful completion of any given assignment.Supervisors are strictly advised to ensure that drivers are rested and alternated when required.A maximum convoy hour of 4 hour constant driving must be followed by at least 30 minutes break to allow for inspection of vehicle and refreshment of Passengers and driver.


Before a vehicle is driven, the driver must ensure that the following activities have been carried out:Pre-trip activities:Carry out an inspection of the vehicle and complete the Pre-drive Inspection Form as referred to in by;Entering the speedometer reading, distance covered and time taken ensuring every trip undertaken by the driver must appear as a separate entry in the Log BookInspection Forms and Log Book entries must be checked by designated staff and clients’ representative at least once every week.


All employees must be fully aware that it is a criminal offence to disobey the general safety instructions issued by their employer.Persons guilty of failing to observe safety instructions are liable not only to disciplinary action in terms of the company’s conditions of service, but also to prosecution by the relevant authorities.


Drivers are authorized to only drive the vehicles categories for which they have professional driving permits and for the class of vehicle assigned to them.Drivers must ensure that their Driving Permits are current at all times and are renewed prior to the expiry date.


Failure to observe the rules contained herein and any additional instructions issued by the line Manager will render the offending employee liable to disciplinary action.


The following rules must be observed:The most economical, comfortable and safe vehicle suitable for the given purpose must be usedThe vehicle shall only be driven by an appropriately licensed and duly authorized employee on duty.The driver must be licensed in accordance to traffic and road safety act of 1998 for the particular class of vehicle under his/her control.No person shall move, drive or operate any company vehicles unless he/she is fully authorized to do so. The unauthorized use of a vehicle will render the person concerned liable for prosecution in a court of law, over and above any internal disciplinary action.Unauthorized passengers, inclusive of company staff, are not permitted to ride on or inside any company vehicle except for the execution of duties.The driver shall not deviate any vehicle from the designated route to the destination to serve the private interest of the driver or his/her passengers, or in connection with the conveyance, loading or unloading of private proper or goods.The driver shall not utilize any company vehicle for private purpose.

The driver of any vehicle shall not deviate to any unauthorized routes or destinations and shall not enter any unauthorized premises or areas.Drivers are expected to route their vehicles so as to secure maximum operating efficiency at minimum expenses Logbooks with specific details must be kept up to date and inspected by supervisor or designated representatives at least once a week.Any deviation must be investigated so that disciplinary action can be taken against the concerned member.Incidents identified as deviations; must be reported to the Director operation by the supervisor on a monthly basis.The supervisor will co-ordinate the information received and will submit a report to the Director operations for the necessary attention.


Employees in charge of vehicles shall ensure at all times that the ignition, door locks, fuel cap, gear lock and other keys of the vehicle in use are suitably safe guarded against loss or theft.In the event of a vehicle’s keys being lost or misplaced, the driver shall not attempt to open the locking system of the vehicle, but shall obtain assistance from the Management before seeking any help from the relevant external service provider.At no time shall a driver leave his/her vehicle unattended without first switching off the engine and removing the ignition key, engaging the gear lock and removing the key.Vehicle keys will only be replaced on production of a copy of the relevant report. All costs for keys will be for the user’s account.


Damages, losses and thefts, other than those arising from accidents are dealt with under this section.An employee who takes over a company vehicle must ensure that any damage or loss is immediately brought to the notice of his/her supervisor in writing. Unless he/she compliance with this instruction, he/she will be deemed to have received the vehicle in good order.Any person found unlawfully removing fuel from a company vehicle or engaged in unauthorized removal or exchange of any component on a company vehicle will be subject to the strictest discipline, as prescribed in the prevailing conditions of service.In the event of losses, thefts or hijackings, the employee operating the vehicle shall immediately report the matter to his/her supervisor, who shall in turn ensure that the incident is dealt with the relevant authorities.In the event of a high jacking or armed robbery, the supervisor concerned must ensure that the affected staff member(s) is/are given the necessary counseling.Any company vehicle may be subjected to a search by security personnel or by any official from the supervisory level.


In respect of official vehicles taken home by employees, the policy of safe-keeping of company vehicles at private residences will strictly be enforces. In particular the following should be noted:Specific authority from the supervisor concerned must be obtained before an employee will be permitted to safeguard any official vehicle at a private residence Such vehicle shall be parked on the premises of the employee, preferably in a lockable garage, but in the event of this being impossible, the vehicle shall be kept out of sight of the road users and/or passers-by behind a locked gate/fence.All such vehicles shall be equipped with insurance – approved anti-theft devises (e.g. gear lock and immobilizer). Such devises should be in operations at all times.The driver must ensure that the gear lock is engaged and the key is removed when the vehicle is not in use.The driver is responsible for any tools and equipment left on or in the vehicle when taken home. The driver will be held liable should these be stolen from a vehicle not kept in a lockable garage. Where vehicles are not kept in a locked garage, loose equipment must be securely locked away in the house.The driver/employee must take possible and practical precautions for the safeguarding of the company or client property in the company vehicle when he or she temporally absents himself/herself from the vehicle. The non-observance of this directive will render the driver/employee liable for any loss to the company or clients To eliminate the possibility of the theft or loss of company or client assets, while a vehicle is being serviced or repaired; all such items must be removed BEFORE the vehicle is delivered to the relevant supervisor of external service provider. If the vehicles are left at the service provider with such items still in the vehicle, the driver will be held responsible for any subsequent loss in this regard.


Vehicles shall be parked or garaged at designated company premises or client’s authorized packing in case rented cars.Under no circumstances should company vehicles be parked outside the designated premises without the relevant supervisor’s authorization.


All drivers must ensure that all packing tickets on the streets are paid. Failure to comply the driver is NOT exempted from the payment of the necessary fees


Whenever a company vehicle is garaged or parked, every precaution shall be taken to safeguard it against damages, theft or irregular use.The hand brake shall be applied and if the vehicle is parked on a slope, the front wheels shall be turned towards the curb. In addition, where such vehicle has a manual transmission, either the low or the reverse gear shall be engaged and in the case of an automatic transmission, the shifting lever shall be places in “P” (parking) position.The windows shall be closedThe ignition key shall be removed, the gear lock, doors and luggage compartment locked and keys kept in safe custody.If the vehicle is parked in a lockable garage, the doors of the garage shall also be locked


In the event of a company vehicle being or having been subjected to flagrant misuse or irregular use, or the vehicle is being maliciously damaged by the driver or Where evidence exists that a driver is or was guilty of recklessness or negligent conduct whilst driving a company vehicle or such a vehicle was involved in an accident whilst so driven or Where a driver of a company vehicle has been found guilty of driving such a vehicle;Under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or whilst the concentration of alcohol in his or her blood was more than as required by traffic laws, such a driver shall be suspended immediately from driving company vehicles until such time as a disciplinary action has been concluded.In the event of a driver developing any disease or disability which will render him/her incapable of effectively controlling a vehicle and subject to a report from health unit, he/she will be suspended temporarily or permanently from driving a company vehicle.


While a company vehicle is in operation, the driver shall regularly check the warning lights, indicators and gauges. Immediate action must be taken should any of the above be noticed to prevent damage or further damage to the vehicle or its components.Where there is an indication of excessive engine heat or lack of oil pressure, the engine shall be switched off immediately and the vehicle not driven further under its own power until the matter has been rectified.The “revving” up of engines is detrimental, especially at the cold starting – up stage. Until normal operating temperatures are achieved, high speed engine operation must be avoided.Where a vehicle is subjected to extended periods of waiting in dense traffic, the neutral gear position must be selected and the hand brake applied, in order to avoid unnecessary wear on the clutch components Traveling with a foot on the clutch pedal must be avoided, as this causes premature failure of the clutch assembly and release bearing.A smooth balance must be maintained between the clutch and accelerator pedal to avoid damage to the vehicle’s drive train.Diesel engine fitted with turbo charger must be allowed to idle for two minutes before switching off. This waiting period allow the turbine to slow down with sufficient lubrication.Break air tank fitted to heavy vehicle must be drained daily.


Where a governor is fitted to any company vehicle it is there for that specific purpose of providing protection against over speeding/ overloading/ abuse of mechanical system. Governors are not to be tempered with.Where heavy vehicles use lower gear ratio to negotiate down grades, progressive foot brakes action must also be used, since the governor will not be able to keep control of engine speed. Diesel engine can be effectively used as Brake, provided that the engine speed is kept below its rated governed r.p.m.


It is important that odometers and hour meters always reflect true elapsed distance and time. Any defect in speedometer, odometer, and hour meter should be rectified as soon as possible.No person shall disconnect the speedometer of a company vehicle. Where speedometer is fitted in a vehicle the traffic and road safety act requires it to be in good working condition.Speedometer and hour meters should not be tempered with.


.Drivers are to ensure the inflation of tyre is in accordance with the pressures recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle tires. Incorrect inflation, particularly under inflation is the greatest single factor contributing to undue wear, overheating and premature failure of tires. Any deviation from the specific pressures will have adverse effects on steering, braking, road holding and safety.


Checking and correction of tire pressure should be performed regularly.Scuffing and running over projections should be avoided.Mechanical defect that cause uneven tyre wear should be rectified immediately.Regular inspection should be held on tread wear, cuts, bruises and stone wedged between dual wheels.Tread dept across the entire breadth of a tread and the circumference of the tyre must not be allowed to be less than 1mm.A tyre that does not meet this requirement must be replaced immediately.Dust cap on tyre must be replaced.Sudden or fierce breaking, acceleration and fast cornering must be avoided.Dumping sites are always littered with sharp object which can cause puncture problem. Special care must be taken when approaching duping site and after passing an inspection of the tyre must be done to ensure that any foreign object on the tyre is removed.Removal of foreign object imbedded in the tyre might cause deflation therefore must be reported to the transport officer.The negligent treatment of tyres should be avoided as any tyre damage caused through negligence will be paid for on the account of the driver Incidents of tyre failures must be reported monthly to the office for necessary action.Wheel nuts must be checked on daily basis to ensure they are tight and safely fitted.



Where drivers in charge of company vehicle require fuel and /or oil, they shall obtain supplies from the nearest designated supply point. Drivers are to ensure that the fleet number, odometer reading and quantity of fuel supplied are entered correctly on the appropriate forms. Tanks are to be filled to constant level.The driver is responsible for checking the entire engine oil and water on every occasion that the vehicle is refueled. If the vehicle doesn’t require any oil, the driver must note it down as this will act as confirmation that oil level has been checked.


The company fuel control system traces every vehicle fuel consumption in liters consumed per every 100 km. Personal concern for the consumption obtained over specific distances or periods keeps interest alive and is an incentive towards obtaining better result. Abnormal increase in consumption indicates losses such as those caused by careless driving, theft, leakage, mechanical defect, or errors in recording at fuels dispensing point.Incident identified in the above must be reported to management on weekly basis.The officer in charge will coordinate the information received and submit to the Director Operations for necessary cause of action.Wastage due to over filling of tanks must be avoided.Vehicles must be driven in the gear ratio appropriate to the road condition.Acceleration and breaking must be executed smoothly and gently. The most uneconomical use of fuel occurs during acceleration and with the engine idling in a stationary vehicle.Any smell of fuel must be investigated immediately, especially if noticed while vehicle is in motion. Besides causing wastage, petrol leakage is highly dangerous.The driver should not allow the engine of any vehicle or machine to run unnecessarily.


Transporting of fuel in separate container is restricted and a special permission needs to be sought if it cannot be avoided.


Every driver must keep his or her car in a clean and hygienic condition. The littering of vehicle interior with papers, bottles etc are not allowed.Only cleaning materials and disinfectants that are compatible with automotive finishes may be used. Any advice on this subject can be obtained from the relevant technical person concerned.Driver can make use of designated areas provided by the company to wash and clean vehicles from time to time.


All motor vehicles shall be serviced and repaired in accordance with the procedures laid by the management and the relevant service providers.Drivers in charge shall be responsible to ensure that the service arrangement is strictly adhered to.Failure to comply will result in recovery of all cost as a result of damages from the driver or the designated person in charge. 

 14.1 Timely Servicing Arrangement.

When a vehicle needs to be serviced, the vehicle user will receive advance notification and then arrangement for the vehicle to be taken to the service provider will be made in accordance with the time and Day stipulated.Whenever possible and necessary a replacement unit will be provided. However, servicing is not to be delayed due to none availability of a substitute vehicle.

14.5 Adjustment and Repairs 

When handing the vehicle over for repair or servicing, the driver in charge of vehicle shall report to service provider any adjustment or repairs that he or she considers necessary. A brief description of repair required should be recorded in the vehicle log book which must accompany the vehicle to the designated garage/ service provider.


In the event of a breakdown, all cares should be taken that the vehicle and its load are in safest position possible and that warning triangles be placed at an distance of 45 meters in line with the centre of vehicle and in the direction of approach. If the break down results in a traffic hazard assistance must be requested from any authority as soon as possible.In the event of a break down involving suspected brake failure, THE VEHICLE MUST REMAIN STATIONARY, to be moved only by the breakdown crew.Break down during normal working hours must be reported to the management and at any other time it must be reported to the line supervisor concerned.In order to guide the breakdown crew the choice of equipment best suited for the speedy repair/ recovery of the unit, the following information should be provided;· Names of driver and business unit he/ she are attached to.· Vehicle registration number or fleet number.· Exact location where vehicle is broken down.· Possible causes of breakdown.· Evidence of leaks(oil, water, hydraulic fluid, air etc)· Where the fault is located e.g. rear, front, side.· Whether the vehicle is bogged down.Breakdown outside normal working hours should be reported to the technician with immediate effect.


Every driver of a vehicle must at all times ensure that the vehicle is in a road worthy condition, failure of which he/she will be responsible for the payment of any traffic fines.Should any of the following items be found to be defective, the driver may not drive the vehicle without reporting such items in writing to the supervisor or management and await for further instructions: Lights, brakes, wheel nuts secured, tyre wear and condition, spare wheel condition, speedometer, windscreen wipers, steering, rear view mirrors, hooter, reflectors, emergency warning triangle, number plates Any defects discovered, must be reported immediately to the supervisor or fleet manager, for the necessary attention.The last user of a vehicle will be held responsible for any unreported damages/defects/loss. The onus is therefore on each driver to thoroughly inspect a vehicle prior to acceptance.Basic maintenance/safety checks (pre-drive checks) as prescribed must be carried out daily.


The load on any vehicle must not exceed the load recommended by the manufacturers of the vehicle. Apart from straining the vehicle the excessive load increases the risk of accident, wear and tear. This endangers the life of occupant and other road users.Due attention must be given to correct distribution of load over the vehicle’s axles.All loads must be firmly secured in a manner that will prevent the load from moving while the vehicle is on mobile.Loose tools, equipment or goods must be position in a manner that will prevent them from moving forward in the event of emergency braking.Drivers must not allow any loose stuff to spill over or be blown off as this can endanger the life of other road user.When transporting personnel, driver must ensure vehicle is stationery while passengers climb on or off.All persons are to be seated before the vehicle move. Passengers must be allowed to only embark or dis–embark at safe stopping places.All passengers must buckle up before the vehicle start moving and only remove seat belt when it is safely parked.Driver must not move the vehicle until all passengers on board are safely seated.Driver must have some signal arrangement with the passengers.



The driver of any vehicle involved in or contributing to any accident in which any other person is killed or injured or that causes damage in respect of property or animal shall take the following actions:-· Immediately stop the vehicle.· Ascertain the nature and extent of any injury sustained by any person.· If a person is injured, render such assistance to the injured person as he/she may be capable of rendering.· If a person is injured call ambulance and traffic police.· If any person is injured or killed the vehicle shall not be moved from the position in which it came to rest, until such removal is authorized by a police officer. If the vehicle is causing a complete obstruction, its position should be marked before the vehicle may be moved to a safe area.· If there are no injuries at the scene of the accident the perimeter of the involved may be marked, after which they may move to a safe area.· Do not accept any liability. Under no circumstances shall a company official admit liability or make any statement to any person.· State only what happened to the police. A brief account of what happened is all that is required. DO NOT SIGN ANY STATEMENT.· Do not take any intoxicating liquor or drug unless administered by a doctor.· Should the driver of the other vehicle be suspected of being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, this fact should be brought to the notice the attending police officer.· Record the name and address of the other driver, his/her vehicle registration number, the name of the owner vehicle, and the vehicle’s insurance company.· Record name, address, of any independent witness, including the occupants of the other vehicle involve in the accident.· Supply your name and address to the person having grounds for requesting such information.· Record the nature and extent of the damage to all the vehicles involved in the accident and enter this on a motor insurance claim form.· Inform the designated officer in charge.· The drivers license or copy of which must be produced to the police within 48 hrs.· Every effort should be put to ensure safety of passenger and their properties precaution against errant public should be taken as and when necessary.· Complete a motor insurance claim form as soon as possible.


The company motor insurance claim form is the official document issued by the insurers. Detail of all incidents or accidents involving company vehicle must be recorded and reported.The driver of a company vehicle must ensure that a vehicle insurance claim form is completed immediately should any of the following events occur:Any accident, theft or hijacking involving a company vehicle Any loss or theft of vehicle accessories, including batteries, spare wheels, etc Any damage to a company vehicle, even though such damage cannot be related to specific known accident Any incident involving damage to private or public property, irrespective of whether or not any damage occurred to the company vehicle The driver of a company vehicle must ensure that all sections of the vehicle insurance claim form are completed in full and particular attention should be given to the following:- Date, time and place of accident- Full description of how the accident occurred- Names and addresses of persons injured- Sketch plan of accident- Name and address of driver- Name and address of owner- Registration number(s)- Make of vehicle(s)- Description of damage- Expiry date of vehicle’s licenses- Expiry dates of motor vehicles insurance.The driver of the Wilderness Africa Safaris vehicle must ensure that the completed motor insurance claim form is signed dated and submitted to the management or head of section in 48 hrs of the accident.


:Wilderness Africa Safaris provides comprehensive cover from its own insurance fund, with which it administers legitimate claims arising from accident involving the company vehicles and equipment. Suitably licensed company employees driving company vehicle are covered to the following extent:Wilderness Africa Safaris will provide all risk cover of loss or damage for its vehicles, as described and provided for in the insurance policy cover issued and agreed upon by management and its insurer. Coverage is not included for the loss of or damage to any unauthorized items.The company will provide third party liability covering the driver and any driver’s liability arising out of the use of vehicle.Company will endeavor to provide workman’s compensation to take care of her Employees’ while on duty as provided for by law of Uganda.


The comprehensive vehicle insurance provides cover for any company’s vehicle driven by a person qualified to do so and not in the employment of the company, if such action relates to the maintenance or repair of the vehicle involved.The cover also provides for passengers and their properties on board upon fulfilling the claim procedures laid down by the insurers.Passengers are advised to cooperate with the company’s staff to ensure that all insurance claim formalities are correctly done.Company will undertake to get the best insurance cover available on the market at any given time. The extent of the cover obtain shall be communicated to clients on long term vehicle rental contract so as to enable them outsource further cover if they so deem it necessary.


The cover and arrangements mentioned above will not apply as far as the driver of company vehicle is concerned in cases where:He/she was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug with a narcotic effect; or The concentration of alcohol in his/her blood was more than the required by the traffic regulations.The vehicle is/was used without authority for other purpose NOT officially authorized purposes He/she has driven a vehicle without having been properly authorized thereto; or He allows or has allowed the vehicle to be driven by a person not authorized there to In the event of any one of the clauses mentioned above being applicable, the driver will be liable for all claims and liabilities


In terms of the Road accident fund, passengers transported in company vehicle without authority shall NOT BE COVERED



Traffic fines arising from neglect on the part of the driver will not be paid by the company. The driver will be held personally responsible and will not receive any financial assistance from the company.


Apart from the necessity of observing the speed limits laid down by the government and local authorities, company vehicles must not be driven at speeds that my endanger the lives of occupants and other road users. Speed must be adjusted to suit weather conditions, road conditions and the particular type of vehicle being used.The recommended speed limit is thus not exceeding 100km/hr on a clear highway.


Law enforcement and emergency vehicles may only exceed the speed limits when it is essential to do so. In an emergency the appropriate alarms, warning devices and warning signals must be used. Extreme caution must be exercised by drivers of emergency vehicles.


All drivers of company vehicles must strictly adhere to the rules of the road. Some of the more important guidelines in this regard are as follows:- Maintain a thorough knowledge of traffic regulations and signs applicable to streets, main roads, through roads, etc.- Overtake or pass other traffic only when the road is clear and safe- Always use safety belts- Stop or park off the road surface only where it is safe to do so- Do not communicate on any hand held communication devises while driving a vehicle.


According to the road safety act, it requires that vehicle lights be operational at any time from sunset to sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavorable weather conditions, persons and vehicles that may be on a public road would not be clearly visible at a distance of 150m ahead.During the above mentioned periods and/or the conditions stated, minimum mandatory lighting requirements for various modes of vehicle operation apply as follows:

MOVING ON PUBLIC ROAD- Head lamps on main beam or on dipped beam as necessary- Rear lamps visible from a distance of at least 150m- Registration plate land to render every letter and figure on the registration plate clearly visible from a distance of at least 20m


Drivers and users of Wilderness Africa Safaris’ vehicles are strictly advised to comply and enforce this policy at all times as failure to observe the provision of the same will lead serious disciplinary actions and or prosecution.In event of special conditions as may be required during emergency operation by clients, they are advised to communicate to the company prior to engaging in such operations so that the correctly trained personnel and Equipment is deployed to undertake such assignment. 


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